Tertön Sogyal Foundations support
the Dharma to take root and to

in the
modern world

Annual Report


The Tertön Sogyal Foundations

brought its vision and Rigpa’s into action by disbursing grants funded by donations and by investments made through the foundations.

Three Types of Grants

are supported by the Lineage and Legacy Initiative.

Study and Practice Grants

financially support Rigpa sangha members in their study, practice, retreat and events, from newer students to senior teachers.

Light of Dharma Grants

sponsor projects and programmes that make Dharma teachings available in new and inventive ways, attuned to current societal needs.

Elder Grants

create communities for senior Rigpa members who have devoted their lives to Rigpa and reached retirement age, to spend the remaining years of their lives deepening their spiritual path.


the inspiring testimonials of some of our grant recipients.

Find out

where and how to apply for grants supported by the Lineage and Legacy Initiative.

Grant applications are accepted up to 6 weeks before the start of an event one wants to participate in. The grant-making committee receives the applications in digital format and will review them.