How we work

Grant-making Process

The Grant-making Process is based on the principles of fairness, transparency, inclusion and adherence to Rigpa’s long-term priorities. It is led by a Grant-making Committee that meets at a minimum twice a year to award grants. The Committee will oversee applications made to all of the three grants as well as other projects that are conducive to securing Rigpa’s Lineage and Legacy.

The Grant-making Committee

The Grant-making Committee give their recommendations to be ratified by the Rigpa International Boards and by the boards of the Tertön Sogyal Foundations that are funding the grants.

Funding of Grants

The Grants awarded are funded through a combination of:

  • The Study and Practice Grants and the Light of Dharma Grants are Restricted Funds held in the Congregation Rigpa Lerab Ling
  • Through Restricted Funds held at one of the Tertön Sogyal Foundations
  • Through Income and Realized Returns earned by the Endowment Fund.

The Endowment Fund

Is money held in each of the three Tertön Sogyal Foundations below, that is restricted to disburse the original capital received where only interest and realised capital gains can be disbursed for grants. The purpose of the Endowment Fund is to provide long-term financial security and resources that are necessary for the work of Rigpa to continue to flourish and grow, for the benefit of future generations.

Tertön Sogyal Foundation – a charity registered in the US
Fonds Tertön Sogyal – a foundation registered in France
Tertön Sogyal Trust – a trust registered in the UK

Investment Process

The Investment Committee advises the Tertön Sogyal boards on the investment of its restricted funds by recommending the asset allocation and individual investments following the guidance from a global large asset manager (an investment advisor for the Tertön Sogyal Foundation in the US). All the investments are into major managed funds or indices. The Investment Committee will invest the funds as wisely and prudent as possible.

The Investment Committee meets every month to monitor the investments and discuss the market.

The Investment Committee has a target return of 3%-5% per annum during long periods of time.

As of February 10, 2022, the total amount of assets that are invested or planning to be invested in a short period of time is €1.55MM. We aspire to bring the assets under management to €3-5MM in a period of 5-10yrs through wills and legacy fundraising.

The Investment Committee

The majority of the Restricted Funds and all of the Endowment Fund moneys held by the three Tertön Sogyal Foundations are invested through the advisory of the Investment Committee comprised of Rigpa students with experience in financial markets and that hold a close relationship with Rigpa and the Tertön Sogyal Foundations. All members of the Investment Committee are contributing their time and expertise on a voluntary basis.

Our Vision

Since ancient times, the great Buddhist masters and their monasteries, study colleges, retreat centres and publishing works have been supported almost entirely through the kindness and generosity of their students and sponsors. This spirit of generosity is a defining characteristic of the Buddhist tradition and its practice continues to the present day.


The Lineage and Legacy initiative aims to contribute to the flourishing of the authentic Buddhist teachings in the West and thus to bring benefit to the world long into the future. It primarily aims to do this through securing the key pillars of Rigpa’s unique Tibetan Buddhist heritage. This will be accomplished through vital financial support for the activities of those who are teaching, studying and practising within this lineage.

The Lineage and Legacy Initiative is a partnership between Rigpa and the Tertön Sogyal Foundations, established by Rigpa’s International Steering Group and the Lineage and Legacy Team.

Our History

Recognizing the need to assure the long-term sustainability of Rigpa, 30 years ago a group of students set up a network of Tertön Sogyal Foundations. The Foundations differ from National Rigpa non-profit organisations in that they specialise in investing larger gifts through the Rigpa Endowment Fund and restricted funds. In recent years, the Tertön Sogyal Foundations have provided financial support for the Treasury of WisdomPrajnaDzogchen Beara, and Lotsawa House.

Through the Lineage and Legacy Initiative, the Tertön Sogyal Foundations and Rigpa through the restricted funds held at the Congregation Rigpa Lerab Ling will support students and practitioners in need of financial assistance for their studies and practice at every stage of their path as well as projects and programmes that make the Dharma available through various types of grants. 

Tertön Sogyal Foundations have been established in each country where Rigpa has a significant presence, to receive donations and legacies. To date, these foundations have been established in:

US – Tertön Sogyal Foundation

France – Fonds de Tertön Sogyal

UK – Tertön Sogyal Trust

Spain – Fondación Tertön Sogyal

Lerab Lingpa Tertön Sogyal

Lerab Lingpa Tertön Sogyal (1856-1926) was a great nineteenth century Tibetan saint and mystic, who was the teacher of the thirteenth Dalai Lama and a leading figure in the revitalisation of the Buddhist teachings in Tibet. His visionary teachings have a profound relevance for our modern times and are the inspiration behind the work of Rigpa.

As a child, Tertön Sogyal was taught by Nyala Pema Duddul, Patrul Rinpoche, and Khenpo Pema Vajra at Dzogchen Monastery. In the later years of his life, he stayed near Dodrupchen Monastery, often exchanging teachings with Dodrupchen Jikmé Tenpé Nyima.

Tertön Sogyal died on the tenth day of the second lunar month of the year of the Fire Tiger, March 23, 1926 according to the Gregorian calendar.

Terön Sogyal’s disciples also included great masters such as Jamgön Kongtrul, the Fifth Dzogchen Rinpoche (Thubten Chökyi Dorje), Dzogchen Khenpo Pema Vajra, Jamgon Ju Mipham Gyatso, Nyoshul Lungtok, Dzahka Choktrul Rinpoche, Tertön Drimé, Kathok Situ, Minyak Khenpo Kunzang Sonam, Dodrupchen Jikmé Tenpé Nyima, Demo Rinpoche, Dorje Drak Rigdzin Nyamnyi Dorje (1886-1932/5), Minling Trichen Rinpoche, Sakya Trichen, the Fifteenth Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje, Amdo Geshe Jampal Rolwe Lodrö and Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö.

Less well-known disciples included Tulku Tsultrim Zangpo (aka Tsüllo) of Shukjung Monastery, who composed a biography of Tertön Sogyal which is more than 700 pages long. His lineage also passed on to his sons, such as Rigdzin Namgyal and Chöpel Gyatso, and to his grandson, Tromgé Tulku Dechen Dorjé, who currently lives at the Tromgé encampment in eastern Tibet (Kham).