

In 2024, the Tertön Sogyal Foundations supported two types of grants

Types of Grants 2024

Number of grants


Total amount awarded


Study and Practice

107 grants awarded | €81,342 | 57%

Light of Dharma

9 grants awarded | €62,150 | 43%

Study and Practice Grants

Nyenpa/ Long-Term retreat at Dzogchen Beara

These are grants for students who want to do a Nyenpa or a long-term retreat in Dzogchen Beara (Drupdra). Grants provide financial support for the registration, food and accommodation.

In 2024 a total of five grants were awarded for the Long-Term retreat, representing 47% of the total budget.

Shedra / Milinda / Translation

These grants are for students that want to follow Shedra studies under the Rigpa Shedra program or outside such as the Milinda teachers training and translation.

Seventeen grants were awarded for students to attend Rigpa’s Shedra program like Rinchen Terdzo empowerments in Bhutan, Classic Tibetan in Rangjung Yeshe, and Initiations with Dzongsar Khyentse in Chagdud Gompa – Brasil

These grants represent 14% of the total budget.

Retreat at a main Rigpa Retreat Centre

These grants are primarily offered to students that want to attend one of the international retreats held at one of Rigpa’s main retreat centres: Lerab Ling Dzogchen Beara, Dharma Mati and Blueys Beach. Retreat duration may be from a single week to a few months.

In 2024, fifty one grants were awarded for these retreats, representing 31% of the total budget:

Yang Ni Pudri, Personal Retreats, Dzogchen Retreat, Ngondro Retreat, Dzogchen Background,
Yumka Decher Gyalmo, Drupchens.

Chetsun Nyingtik

The Chetsün Nyingtik or “The Heart Essence of Chetsün, the Perfect Secret Bindu” is a one month practice retreat to follow the teachings that were composed by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and outlines the complete Dzogchen path from the preliminaries up to the main practices of Trekchö and Tögal.

In 2024, nine applications were awarded for retreats in Blueys Beach and Lerab Ling, representing 9% of the total budget. 

Shyonnu Retreat

A retreat in Lerab Ling for an international group of young people interested in meditation, compassion and Buddhist philosophy. 

Twenty four applications were awarded in 2024 for this retreat, representing 6% of the total budget. 

Training Practice Holders

These grants are for practitioners who made a commitment to be trained by the main holders of Rigpa’s practice lineage in the Vajrayana Practice roles of Chöpön and Umdze with the aim that they will give trainings themselves in the future. These initial grants were awarded for training in Lerab Ling and Dzogchen Beara.

One grant was awarded for Training the Practice Holders in Ati Ling, representing 1% of the total budget.

Shedra 2024

From the top left: Alessandra Pizzardello, Jigmé, Aoife Coleman-Clarke, Alexandre, Ane Samten, Tsultrim and Lucas Heijdeman

Damien Brohon

Personal Retreat in La Sauveté

Cet ermitage, situé dans les Hautes Pyrénées, au milieu des champs et des forêts, est tout entier dédié à la préservation et à la pratique de la tradition du Dzogchèn. J’y ai passé une retraite d’un mois dans un chalet isolé avec pour seule compagnie les lézards, les milans et les chauve-souris, avec pour seule distraction les variations lumineuses du ciel et pour seule tâche la méditation. Les conditions étaient idéalement remplies pour que je mette en œuvre les instructions reçues de mes maitres durant toutes ces années d’enseignement. Quel bonheur ! Durant ce temps de retraite, la conscience de l’impermanence ne m’a jamais quitté tout comme la perspective de l’immuable nature qui transcende vie et mort. 

This hermitage, located in the Hautes Pyrénées, in the middle of fields and forests, is entirely dedicated to the preservation and practice of the Dzogchèn tradition. I spent a month’s retreat there in an isolated chalet with only lizards, kites and bats for company, the only distraction being the light variations in the sky and the only task being meditation. The conditions were ideally met for me to implement the instructions received from my teachers during all these years of teaching. What joy! During this time of retreat, the awareness of impermanence never left me, just like the perspective of the immutable nature which transcends life and death.

Adele Hersey and Allison Challinor

Long-Term Retreat in Dzogchen Beara

Margot Lynch and Sandy Taylor

Chetsun Nyingtik in Blueys Beach

Patricia Klein 

Dzogchen Retreat

Orgyen Dorje Boinvilliers

Rinchen Terdzo cycle of empowerments in Bhutan

Tina Rae

Yuma Dechen Gyalmo Retreat

Aruna Sutra

Shyonnu Retreat in Lerab Ling

Light of Dharma Grants

Communicate Dharma in Ways that are Relevant and Accessible to all

These grants are offered to bring Dharma to new audiences in order to help alleviate suffering on all levels.

  • Launch of Bodhi program – €25,000
  • Bring Dominique Side to the Youth Summer Retreat (Shyonnu) – €500
Support Practitioners Accomplish their Paths

These grants are offered to adopt student-centred approaches for programmes at all levels and to foster sangha unity through coordinated national and international programmes.

  • Development of a retreat format on “The Background” – €4,050
  • Definitive compilation of Dzogchen Mengak – €3,050
  • Treasury of Wisdom – Archive Software upgrade – €10,000
  • Safeguarding Sogyal Rinpoche’s Collection of Dzogchen Teachings – €3,000
Support and Encourage Rigpa Teachers and Holders to Manifest

These grants are offered to enable Senior Teachers to teach and to be available for students, create opportunities for Senior Holders to serve the sangha, and pass on their knowledge.

  • Support Jeremy Tattersal in his study of Longchen Nyingtik so he can teach it – €3,000
  • Rigpa Yeshe international Coordinator to relaunch Rigpa Yeshe – €10,000
  • Teacher Training on Meditation based on Khandro Rinpoche’s teachings – €3,000

Canice O’Brien & Isabella Schlenz

Treasury of Wisdom – Archive Software Upgrade

Rita Ives-Truscott

Rigpé Yeshé International Coordinator

The vision of Rigpé Yeshé is to help children and teenagers, through the Buddha’s teachings, to grow into wise, compassionate and happy young people who take charge of their minds, have confidence in their goodness and live a meaningful life contributing to the well-being of others and the world.

Their aim is to develop and deliver dharma programmes for children and teenagers which:

  • Train in meditation, awareness, compassion and wisdom and enable young people to cultivate inner values such as contentment, kindness and altruism.
  • Give opportunities for children and teenagers to explore and understand the realities of karma – cause and effect, interconnectedness and change.
  • Create the conditions in which young people develop genuine self – confidence based on understanding their true nature and connect with each other to form lasting and meaningful friendships.


Thanks to the Light of Dharma grant, the goal of continuing the vision and work of Rigpé Yeshé has been accomplished in 2024!

The Grantmaking Committee

The Grantmaking Committee approves the grants and the boards of the Tertön Sogyal Foundations ratify such approval in order to fund the grants in part or in full.

Picture of Alain Beauregard

Alain Beauregard

ONE Rigpa Board

Picture of Anneke Hakman

Anneke Hakman

Tertön Sogyal
Foundations Team

Picture of Christian Hauser

Christian Hauser

Investment Committee

Picture of France Manghardt

France Manghardt

Rigpa's ICG

Picture of Heinz Siepmann

Heinz Siepmann

Tertön Sogyal Stifung

Picture of Jane Gray

Jane Gray

Rigpa Australia
ONE Rigpa Board

Picture of Jessical DuVal

Jessical DuVal

Tertön Sogyal Foundations Team
Tertön Sogyal Foundation (US) Board member

Picture of Nuria Mendez

Nuria Mendez

Fundación Tertön Sogyal

Picture of Malcolm MacClancy

Malcolm MacClancy

Tertön Sogyal
Foundations Team

Picture of Mauro de March

Mauro de March

Vision Board

Picture of Michele Phamtan

Michele Phamtan

Fonds Tertön Sogyal

Picture of Pedro Beroy

Pedro Beroy

Tertön Sogyal Foundation

The Investment Committee

The majority of the Restricted Funds and all of the Endowment Fund moneys held by the three Tertön Sogyal Foundations are invested through the advisory of the Investment Committee comprised of Rigpa students with experience in financial markets and that hold a close relationship with Rigpa and the Tertön Sogyal Foundations. All members of the Investment Committee are contributing their time and expertise on a voluntary basis.

Picture of Christian Hauser

Christian Hauser

Investment Committee

Picture of Dan Schuessler

Dan Schuessler

Investment Committee

Picture of Heinz Siepmann

Heinz Siepmann

Tertön Sogyal Stifung (Germany)

Picture of Pedro Beroy

Pedro Beroy

Tertön Sogyal Foundation (US)

A big

Thank You

to all donors who so generously supported the Tertön Sogyal Foundations. This is a major endeavour that we aim to continue long into the future to benefit a growing number of Buddhist students. Your support to make this happen is vital.

Please continue to support us.